Health care provider gives a woman a vaccine.

They’re telling the truth behind closed doors [UPDATED]

I had a health scare yesterday.

I’ll tell you about it sometime, but right now, I need to tell you something else.

Something you won’t read in The New York Times or see on TV.

Something that not long ago, Facebook and Twitter would ban people for saying.

Something that even now, Google wants to hide from you.

I heard it myself firsthand.

It was Friday afternoon and I found myself at my doctor’s office. The nurse’s assistant had just weighed me and taken my blood pressure, and now she was asking me health questions.

“No vaccines,” she said, looking at my records.

Nope,” I replied pointedly, in a tone meant to discourage further discussion.

(I’m not going to say which vaccines she was talking about, because you already know. But if I have to spell it out for you, it starts with a C and ends in 19.)

To my great surprise, the young woman then said to me softly:

“The people who got the vaccines are the ones getting sick all the time.”

I goggled at her. People who work in health care are not supposed to — not allowed to — say such things.

“Yes, you’re right,” I replied in a measured voice. “Thank you for saying it, that’s what I’m hearing too.”

I paused to allow her to continue.

When she did not, I added, “Of course, now there are studies and scientific papers published at the NIH and elsewhere saying the shots damage people’s immune systems. It’s supposed to get worse with each booster . . .”

I paused again, but the woman had said all she was going to say.

It was enough for me.

Here was an employee at a large regional health system, not just in Florida, but spanning several states, telling me what no one at the CDC or the World Health Organization or anyone else in government, the corporate media, or any other public position has had the honesty, integrity, or courage to say:

The shots are neither safe nor effective.

On my way home, it occurred to me that this woman likely never would have said what she said had I been a happy and willing shot-taker.

It was only because she knew that I knew that she’d decided to trust me.

Imagine how this woman must feel having to go to work every day, knowing what she knows but unable to say or do anything about it for fear of losing her job.

Sadly, this all means that for now at least, the truth will stay secret inside a small, exclusive club. A club made up of “anti-science” “vaccine deniers,” the people who have been hurt by these injections, and the precious few health care professionals who are willing to admit what they are seeing in their patients and in their practices every day.

People, it is time to wake up.

Look around you. Why is it that so many who have gotten the shots keep getting so sick, so often?

Have you noticed in your own circle an increase in heart attacks, strokes, and fast-growing cancers?

I have, and I know I’m not alone.

The truth is no longer “out there.” They are now saying it out loud behind closed doors. In whispers and low voices, yes. And certainly not to everyone.

But now is the time to start listening. Even if — or maybe, especially because — it is already too late for many.

Tuesday, Oct. 24 update:

Rough morning. My blood pressure was high again. Thinking it was better to be safe than sorry, I went to the ER. In between pokes and prods, I took the opportunity, when asked about whether or not I had been jabbed, to ask my nurse what she thought of C—- and the shots.

The first thing she said was that she has no idea why health care providers must still ask patients whether they’ve gotten the shot. “It’s just the flu now,” she said.

When I asked about a possible connection between the shots and cardiovascular injuries, she said yes, she personally knows people who’d developed blood clots after taking the shots. (As do I.)

She herself had opted not to take any shots (including the new ones) because “we don’t know what’s in them.” She’d filed for a religious exemption to maintain her medical freedom and noted that other female colleagues had done the same, citing infertility as one of many possible side effects.

Isn’t that something, Cranky reader? Anyone who bothered to do their research knew about potential infertility and pregnancy risks as far back as early to mid-2021. But you never heard about this in the mainstream media, who kept urging women to get jabbed. And you got banned from Facebook and Twitter for talking about it. Hell, reputable doctors and heads of medicine from all over the country were losing their jobs just for trying to warn us.

Yet, the healthcare staff knew. And they wouldn’t tell you for fear of losing their jobs.

That’s a breach of informed consent — the process by which a medical provider must inform patients of the possible risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention before you give your permission to receive it.

My nurse also talked about the “horrible practices” that took place in healthcare during C—-. She was reluctant to go into detail, but she did mention one case of a male patient who died of a heart attack due to a mistake made by doctors. To cover themselves, the hospital (not this hospital, she said, but a different one out of state) marked the death as due to C—-, a move that apparently prevented the family from suing.

Savvy readers will recall that hospitals and health care systems got paid big money by the federal government for each C—- diagnosis and C—- death they recorded. They were incentivized to do it; some say, to inflate the number of C—- cases to make the threat seem more serious than it was.

As far as government payouts go, deaths due “to” C—- were especially lucrative, which is another reason why the death certificates of many victims of car accidents wound up listing C—- as the cause of death.

In the case of the hospital above, that means it benefited doubly — by preventing a damaging lawsuit as well as earning a big payday.

As it happens, this all fits well with what I’ve learned through my own research about health care providers’ corrupt and lethal practices during C—-.

And so I say again: This is not a conspiracy theory. It is not “misinformation” spread by “anti-vaxxers.”

This is what health care providers are saying behind closed doors, and it’s long past time we paid attention.

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  1. When are all the BLM loving advertisers on TV gonna stop making blacks look smarter and superior to whites? Like they have all the answers! Everybody knows it’s true.

    1. Well, yes, Anonymous, I would agree with you that there is a “hierarchy” of races and genders that today’s advertisers like to rank from smartest/coolest to dumbest/most bumbling. But I think your comment might be more appropriate for this article, don’t you?

  2. I succumbed to the fear hype due to me at the time being overweight, having had asthma as a child, and still prone to URIs that took me several months to recover from. Also, my older brother died from a bout with C—-. Looking at him in the box, I thought, “that’s not my brother!”. But as I later learned, he had a number of health issues and probably would have succumbed soon anyway.
    I have not had any of the bullshit updates of the ‘vaccines’ since and will not. And no more fucking masks, either. I find it curious as we move closer to the election cycle that hype on the latest variant says we need to vax, mask up, and isolate again. So bring out the mail-in ballots.
    I fear for this country, I fear for our freedoms. I will not let the latest hype scare me or reduce my freedom. Especially since the natural progression of virus evolution is towards less deadly (a virus is a parasite, living off the host. Kill the host, you’re dead, too. Not what a parasite wants). I could continue on this subject and extrapolate but I’m sure it would increase my exposure to the powers that be so ill just end with that NASCAR chant, Let’s Go Brandon!!

    1. Ah yes, the dreaded “Election Season Variant.” Which a new study out of Japan suggests it may very well be.

      Check out this banger published on August 15. Read lines 279 to 294 in the “Discussion” section, where the authors conclude that C—- and all its variants have been made in a lab.

      Chillingly, they write that if the strain is an artificially mutated virus and if the c—- disaster (they call it “c—- hoopla”) was a well-designed global experiment in human inoculation and a social experiment, then the design of this experiment and the nature of the virus used make it likely that this experiment is a preliminary experiment.

      The implications are absolutely staggering and include the obvious question, “So what comes next?”

  3. I had almost the same experience as you, Cranky, with my DO. We were talking about my heart health and whether later in life I might develop some afib. She asked me point blank, “Have you had the vax?” I said, “of course not, I would never do that,” not knowing how she would respond. She then offered that she has never had it either, which surprised me considering she is a physician in a family practice clinic. She then told me she has seen a 60% increase in the number of patients she sees who have developed afib or some sort of heart arrhythmia since 2021 and every single one of them has been vaccinated. Go figure…

    1. Thanks, Kinchan. Have you seen the recent interview with Dr. Drew in which he discusses “breathtaking” new study findings that 50 percent of young men who got myocarditis after the vaccine now have permanent heart damage? He says he can’t imagine why this isn’t front-page news. Hey, Dr. Drew — this kind of censorship has been rampant for more than two years now. It’s time we demand the truth.

  4. I am PROUD to include myself into your ANTI-VAX club, as I too have NEVER taken any of the Joe Jabiden c—- 19 shots…. Furthermore, I have NEVER worn a silly looking useless mask, and NEVER followed the ridiculously stupid social distancing rules for pete’s sake! I just turned seventy four, and haven’t had a sick day in over twelve years! ( not even a cold! ) knock on wood! The sheep that are following and trusting in corrupt Biden and his horrible administration, will NEVER learn!

    1. I don’t want to politicize this too much, and it was President Trump who to this day insists on taking credit for the “Operation Warp Speed” vaccines (although he never tried to mandate them). But like you, I never did understand the public’s rush to inject themselves with an experimental, unproven, rushed-to-market “vaccine” (these mRNA shots are not even vaccines in the traditional sense) to “protect” themselves from a virus with a 99.97% survival rate.

      So too with the mask and social-distancing rules — utter poppycock. I mean, come on. Yes, it makes total sense to require restaurant patrons to wear masks into the building but allow them to unmask once they’ve reached their seats. Those deadly viruses can’t reach you there! Airports, too. They required all air travelers to mask up and stand six feet apart from each other in lines — just prior to jamming them almost on top of each other in tightly-packed metal tubes with recirculated air. Science!

      That said, the fear porn pushed by governments and so-called health authorities was disgusting. These monsters terrorized the public and created immense social pressure to force people into compliance.

      It will take a generation or more to undo the social, economic and psychological damage inflicted upon us (think of the developmental setbacks suffered by very young children who couldn’t attend school or who now lack speech and social skills due to the masks), if we ever can.

      Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies made billions.

      If anything good comes of this, maybe it will be a wake-up call for people to think critically for themselves and stop trusting blindly in government and the media. But we still have a long way to go to open the world’s eyes as to what has actually been done to us.

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