
Sad news as The Cranky Creative blog turns four

I’m sorry, Cranky reader. I’m not in the best mood today. My step-father-in-law passed away last week.

He’d been diagnosed with lung cancer. Except he didn’t die of lung cancer. He was killed by his doctor and the treatments that his doctor prescribed.

You see, when my father-in-law’s doctor wasn’t golfing or away on vacation, he was prescribing chemotherapy and radiation and pooh-poohing natural, holistic, and over-the-counter treatments that may have helped.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying any “alternative” treatments would have saved my father-in-law’s life, but it sure would have been nice to try them.

ProTip: If you or a loved one with cancer is ever prescribed chemo and radiation followed by Keytruda and steroids, get a second opinion and maybe a different doctor, stat.

But, it gets worse.

Last fall, my wife lost one of her uncles to brain cancer. Stage four. It came out of nowhere like a house on fire, just like my father-in-law’s lung cancer. Now you (don’t) see it, now you’re dead.

And three weeks ago, my uncle suffered a series of strokes that paralyzed his left side.

Would you like to guess what all three of these men had in common?

Not yet, dear reader. I will tell you in a moment, but not yet.

Here’s something you’ll find interesting: I said last fall that my uncle was going to have a stroke.

How did I know?

Because around last October or so, my mother called to say my uncle was in the hospital. He’d gone to bed with a pain in his leg and he’d awakened unable to move it.

The doctors didn’t have a clue. They knew it was serious, so they kept him overnight. But they never did find the cause, and the next day, they just sent him home.

“Get him a D-dimer test!” I had urged. I’d been reading about similar cases online and had a pretty good idea what it was.

“He’s got micro blood clots in his leg and he needs a D-dimer!”

But no one in my family knew what a D-dimer test was, so no one asked for it and he didn’t get one.

I wonder how things might be different if he had.

In any case, I waited eight uneasy months for that dreaded call, and it finally came.

OK. Now I will tell you what all three of these family members had in common. Are you ready?

(I feel lately like I should add a disclaimer to my blog posts warning people that what I am about to say may piss them off, but honestly, if you don’t know that by now, I can’t help you.)

Here is what they all had in common:

They trusted Dr. F0uchie and the C0V|D sh0ts. (Sorry, I have to use weird misspellings to avoid being censored by Google.)

More specifically, each of these men had received at least one shot three to five months before their diagnosis and/or first major adverse health event.

Regular readers know I’ve written about these shots before, including this exhaustive and continuously updated blog post I originally published a year ago in June 2021. (Note that Google has absolutely obliterated this article from its search results, suppressing its visibility to such an extent that only people who visit this website have a chance of seeing it.)

And I’ll tell you what: Every single shocking thing I wrote last June is now out in the open. Some of it was obvious from the start if you were paying attention. Other info was confirmed in subsequent months as the government/healthcare/corporate media narrative collapsed on itself spectacularly. And still other parts, such as the idea that American citizens would soon be required to “show their papers” to get a job, go to college, or attend a music festival — were sadly prescient.

Don’t believe me? If you’ve been tuned into the mainstream media, I understand your skepticism. But do yourself a favor and keep an open mind. The world’s top virologists, immunologists, and cardiologists are saying very different things than what the media and corrupt organizations like the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) are telling you.

I myself have researched this topic for hundreds upon hundreds of hours, and things look very much as described by physicians such as Dr. Ryan Cole, who, in the video below, explains how the shots damage blood vessels, causing blood clots; damage major organs; lower the body’s resistance to existing dormant viruses — causing shingles, etc.; kill off natural cancer inhibitors; and more.

Watching it again, I find it amazing that we were warned about all of this a year ago:

But maybe you’d like to see more up-to-date research. This paper published at ScienceDirect ought to keep you awake at night. At the very least, read the abstract and “conclusions” sections if you are short on time.

Or, check out Adverse effects of C0V|D sh0ts and measures to prevent them. Again, the authors mention reduced immune systems, possible risks of organ damage, and damage to the circulatory system.

Here is an analysis (not yet peer-reviewed) of the pharmaceutical companies’ clinical trial data stating that the risk of serious injury following the shots is greater than the reduction in C0V|D h0spitalizations.

Or, you could listen to the words of Canadian comic Nick Nemeroff, who blamed the sh0ts for his hospitalization this past June and swore off future sh0ts from his hospital bed (video below). Unfortunately for poor Nick, he never got the chance to turn down more sh0ts. He’s dead at 32.

So, yes. I’m a bit crankier than usual, and it’s not just because my blog is receiving tons more search traffic from horny dudes and dudettes finding my ad review, “Yes, the Gillette Venus Pubic Hair and Skin razor ad goes (down) there” than for more practical and thought-provoking posts on topics such as diversity in TV commercials and how to know when it’s time to quit your job.

What upsets me more than anything right now is the unprecedented epidemic of human apathy in this country, and how The Powers That Be are taking advantage of our indifference and naiveté to push forward agendas that are not at all in our best interests.

Instead of ogling Venus razor actresses, I would love to see more people take an interest in the enormous, potentially civilization-changing events that are happening around the world, and start to ask questions such as:

  • Why are so many young, healthy people, including children, suddenly suffering from heart problems, facial paralysis, blot clots, hepatitis, etc.?
  • What’s with the unprecedented number of young athletes suffering cardiac arrests and dying on the field?
  • Why is it that so many people who took the shots keep getting sick again and again?
  • What’s causing the “horrific numbers” of excess deaths being reported from all around the world?
  • Why are life insurance companies reporting huge increases (+40 percent) in all-cause mortality?
  • What’s with all the new radio and TV ads raising “awareness” of blood clots, stroke, atrial fibrillation, and viral infections?
  • What’s the real reason for skyrocketing gas prices and out-of-control inflation?
  • What is behind the destruction of dozens of food plants across the U.S. and the recent spontaneous die-off of thousands of sheep and livestock?
  • What is causing the shortages of baby formula, diesel fuel, manufacturing components, and so many other things we rely on to live our daily lives?
  • What is happening to the stock market and our 401Ks?
  • What would happen to our economy if the U.S. dollar was replaced as the world’s reserve currency? (Gears are turning in this direction as we speak.)
  • Who in their right mind believes the ridiculous media narrative of a mysterious new health risk called “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)”?
  • What part of “p-f|zer wanted to hide all of its clinical trial data for 75 years” did people not find suspicious and alarming and utterly, criminally outrageous?

I suppose I am asking for too much. In a country and a time when video game graphics can be passed off as real video footage to manipulate populations into supporting international wars, most people probably aren’t interested, awake, or discerning enough to ask these questions, much less come together to take a stand against the politicians, corporations, medical associations, media, tech oligarchs, and other assorted useful idiots whose corruption is killing us daily.

Tweet from a four-star Army general mistaking video game footage for real war

A few final thoughts. One: Stay out of the hospitals if at all possible. The healthcare system is broken and filled with people you can not trust with your life. Two: Turn off the TV. The U.S. media is propaganda. Do your own research using search engines like Brave or Qwant. Avoid Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Duck Duck Go. They manipulate their search results to show you only the information they want you to see.

If you are looking for real, reputable doctors and experts to follow, start with these:

Dr. Peter McCollough @P_McCulloughMD
Dr. Pierre Kory @PierreKory

Ivor Cummins @FatEmperor
Dr. Urso @richardursomd
Aaron Kheriaty @akheriaty
Geert Vanden Bossche @GVDBossche

And if you made it all the way to the end of this blog post, thank you. I appreciate your time and attention.

I hated having to write this, but if it helps just one person to start connecting the dots, then it was worth it.

Good luck and God bless.

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  1. I turned off the boob tube 31 years ago, and had stopped using the medical system long before that…so there was never a chance that I would have taken the clot shot. I begged my 98-year-old father not to take it. He promised me he would not…but the nagging of his wife broke him down. He tried to hide this fact from me, but his wife slipped up, and spilled the beans. Last November he developed rapid-onset CJD, and was dead in eight weeks. He was incredibly healthy before the jabs. He still worked in his shop every day, and drove around in his pick-up. I was rooting for him to make it to 100. Almost daily I start to feel depressed and angry, but I push it from my mind with the thought: I did all I could…you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

    1. I’m sorry for your loss, Kris. It’s quite remarkable the pressure being placed on people to take these experimental shots — and make no mistake, Cranky readers — they are experimental.

      The appearance of so many aggressive cancers and cardiovascular problems in the j@bbed — and a new study out of Israel says explicitly that neither myocarditis nor pericarditis are appearing in unj@bbed people who have had c0v\d — is quite the coincidence, wouldn’t you say?

      I also find it astounding how many people have \/acc|ne-injured friends and family members, or are v@x-injured themselves, and have absolutely no idea what is going on.

      Yes, it’s perfectly normal for your 19-year-old niece and 52-year-old cousin to die in their sleep, for three of your friends to all come down with shingles, and for everyone who took the shots to get sick again and again.

      Cognitive dissonance is everywhere.

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