Raise your freelance rates easily with this free rate increase email template

The best damn freelance rate increase email on the net [FREE template]

Need to raise your freelance rates? Soften the blow for your clients with this free rate increase email template.

Last year, one of my dear graphic designer friends contacted me to ask for help. She wanted — no, she needed — to raise her freelance rates, but she was struggling with how to tell her clients. After a short conversation and a little research, I wrote her a (damned good) freelance rate increase email that I will share with you today.

Why raise your freelance rates?

Freelancers raise their rates for many reasons. You should consider raising your freelance rates if:

  • You’ve never raised them before. If you’ve been freelancing for a few years and you’ve never raised your rates, then now is the time. Your original rates may have been OK when you started, but now, they almost certainly undervalue your work.
  • It’s a new year. Think about it. If you were a full-time employee working for someone else’s company, you would likely receive an annual cost-of-living increase. Why should your freelance job be any different?
  • You’ve grown your skills and experience. We freelancers learn a lot on the job. Every day brings new challenges, new techniques and technologies to learn. If you’ve gained new skills that make you smarter, better, or faster than you were before, then it’s time to raise your rates.
  • Your cost of doing business has increased. Every year, take a look at your business expenses — the hardware and software you use, the cost of Internet, insurance, advertising, and other overhead. As those costs rise, so too does the need for you to raise your rates.
  • The market allows it. Look around at the rates being charged by other professionals in your field. How do your rates compare? If your offerings are similar or better than your competitors and they charge more for their work, then it’s time to raise your rates.

Tips for writing a freelance rate increase email

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing a freelance rate increase email:

  • Be genuine. The decision to raise your freelance rates is not an easy one. So let that come through in your message. Your clients will appreciate the difficulty of your decision and the courage it took to communicate it.
  • Be clear and specific. Tell your clients in no uncertain terms what is happening with your pricing and when. It’s OK to open with a few feel-good lines to lead into your message (in fact, I recommend it), but don’t bury it deep in the email.
  • Provide a reason. Explain why your rates are increasing. Be honest. Remember, freelancers raise their rates for myriad reasons, and inflation affects us all.
  • Tailor your rollout. It’s a good idea to give your clients ample notice before you raise your rates. (I would say at least 30 days, preferably more.) If you have clients who need additional time to prepare for a rate increase, you can offer to extend your current rate for a certain amount of time.
  • Communicate your value. Remind your clients of the skills and experience you provide for them, and the results they get because of you.
  • Close on a grateful note. End your email by expressing your gratitude to the client for their understanding about your rate increase and the close relationship you share. Again, just be genuine and the words will come easy.

Freelance rate increase email — FREE template

Here is the rate increase email I wrote for my friend. Feel free to use this template as a guide to write your own.

Subject line options:
Important business update
Rate change – November 2021
Upcoming rate change
Upcoming rate increase
A change to my hourly rates
Rate adjustment
New hourly rate effective November 1
Notice of upcoming rate change

Dear [Firstname],

If I haven’t told you recently, I love working with you. I love the work we do together, and the results we achieve to make your business more successful.

One part of business I don’t love is raising my rates — which is why I have worked so hard to keep my fees unchanged for (a frankly incredible) six years.

Recently, however, rising costs have forced me to review my rates in the context of inflation, my competition, and the quality of services that I provide.

After careful consideration, I have made the decision to raise my hourly rate from $[00] to $[00]. As a valued client, I would like to extend my current rate to you until [Month 00, 20XX]. The new rate will take effect at that time.

I hope you understand the need for this change and the extraordinary value that my services represent even with this modest increase. As I found in my own research, freelance designers with similar skills and experience frequently charge $110 an hour, $120 an hour, and more.

Again, thank you for being a top client and someone with whom I truly enjoy working. If you have any questions about this change or about any of my latest offerings — including web design and development, social media campaigns, and visual branding initiatives — please let me know.

I look forward to working with you again soon!


And how did that freelance rate increase email work out?

Pretty great, as it happens. A few months later, my graphic designer friend wrote me this short note:

“I FINALLY sent this email (because I’m a coward) and believe it or not, I got so much support!!! No one had an issue with it.

“Thank you for helping me craft a message that was so difficult to send 🙂 “

Right! Now it’s your turn. Good luck writing your own freelance rate increase email, and enjoy your increased earnings!

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How long has it been since you raised your freelance rates? Do you have a good freelance rate increase email you would like to share? Drop it in the comments below.