Cranky Creative ad review: Super Bowl LV

Super Bowl LV commercials: The Cranky Ad Review verdict

Really, what did everyone expect?

Smarter and funnier than most TV commercials aired during Super Bowl LV, the 1999 Mike Judge film Idiocracy was sadly prescient.

So let’s watch a clip from that movie instead. Trust me, it’s a better use of all of our time.

But while you’re here, let me say this

I just want to take a moment to bust the myth that most people have “favorite” “funny” TV commercials. I see it every year after the Super Bowl — insipid articles with insipid headlines like “Watch: All Your Favorite Super Bowl Commercials,” and “Funniest Commercials of Super Bowl (Whatever Nonreadable Roman Numeral We Are Up to Now).”

It’s all bullshit concocted by the advertising industry to make us think that anyone in the real world has even the slightest interest in television commercials beyond the fact that they interrupt us in the middle of watching content we pay good money to see, usually in the loudest, stupidest ways.

Seriously, if you have a “favorite” “funny” television ad, then maybe you should get out more. Go find yourself a hobby, a purpose, or a person to love.

Because the world is bigger and a hell of a lot better than paid freaking advertising — an uninvited and too often inconsiderate guest in our homes.

Cranky Ad rating for Super Bowl LV commercials: One loud and very wet raspberry sound out of five.

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