Big Brother looks upon citizens in George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, 1984

Is Big Tech censoring The Cranky Creative blog?

You bet your free speech it is.

I’ve noticed it for more than two years: Every time I publish a blog post saying something that goes against an approved mainstream media (MSM) narrative, my search traffic takes a hit.

Every time Facebook restricts my account for posting something its so-called “fact checkers” don’t like (that usually is proven true and accepted as fact within weeks or months), my Google search traffic crashes.

It’s almost as if Google and Facebook (and the federal government!) are connected and working together to identify wrong-thinkers, suppress free speech on the Internet, and bring their own approved narratives to the fore.

This censorship and suppression became apparent to me in June 2021 after I published my blog post, “Brands have no business pushing COVID vaccines,” which stated — correctly, as it turned out — that the shots did not prevent infection, reduce transmission, or provide immunity.

Neither Big Tech nor Big Government appreciated that, I’m sure, as Resident Biden, Tony Fauci, and the fraudsters at the World Health Organization were all running around assuring billions of people that they would never get sick or be able to transmit COVID-19 if they took the (experimental, not FDA-approved, but insanely profitable) jabs.

A couple of months after its publish date, Google had virtually eliminated my post from its search results, despite my continuous updating of the page with links to new information and scientific papers.

Would you like to see this censorship firsthand?

Let’s try a test right now using three different search engines: Google, Brave, and Yandex.

I’ll make this easy and formulate my search using four words — “brands pushing COVID vaccines”– pulled straight from the blog title. That should ensure that my post appears near the top of each search results page, right?

Wrong. Check it out:

Go ahead, try it for yourself. Compare the search results for various other hot-button topics and see what you get.

As I’ve said, Google is a prolific censor. In addition to the COVID shots, Google also doesn’t like when I talk about the push for forced diversity, the use of ESG funds to promote LGBTQ and other politically left-leaning agendas, or anything “woke.”

And remember — it’s not just individual posts that get buried; I lose traffic for the entire site.

How you can help fight Big Tech censorship (don’t worry, it’s easy)

Just share my blog content. That’s it.

If you read something you like here at The Cranky Creative, take a moment to send it to a friend or family member through email; or post it to your social media; or link to it in the comments sections of other relevant articles you read.

The more people see and share my blog posts, the more traction they get on search engines and the harder the algorithms have to work to suppress them.

And don’t forget to use a non-Orwellian search engine for your own web searches. When you are looking for information about a topic, you want a search engine that will show you objective results, not the carefully curated misinformation (to use one of their favorite terms) and propaganda put up by the MSM and Big Tech for consumption by the sleeping masses.

That means Google is out unless you want to see what the sheep are being fed. The same goes for Duck Duck Go, which used to be a good search engine until it went the way of Google more than a year ago.

Bing? It’s from Microsoft, another big purveyor of MSM propaganda.

Yahoo? Have you seen the bias in its own “news” reporting? Forget it.

I’ve been using the Brave search engine a lot, and I’ve heard good things about Mojeek and Yandex. The latter is Russian-owned, but that’s just fine because — guess what — government, Big Tech, and the Western news media have been lying to you about Russia and the war in Ukraine, too.

Thank you for reading The Cranky Creative and for supporting free thinking and free speech everywhere.

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  1. There is an upside to rampant censorship and cancel culture – call it blowback, knee jerk, or common sense – more people recognize this skullduggery and the motives of those responsible, actively discredit it, and best of all, are more willing to take opposing stances simply on principle. MSM, corporations, entrenched politicos, and illegitimate minorities all see their campaigns delivering opposite from intended effects. The ranks of disgruntled curmudgeons swell.

    1. That’s a great point, spwilcen, and I do see it happening to some extent. My worry is that the giant wave of indoctrinated younger generations coming up have no such moral or intellectual groundings with which to discern any truths. If we cannot reach them, then all is lost.

      1. Long ago, a ride in Mr. Otis’s cabin treated one’s ears to Mozart, Welk, Benny Goodman, and the Duke. Nowadays one will also hear ZZTop, The Eagles, Hendrix, and Jethro Tull. Flipper-flopping, many former headbangers now prefer Basie, Fitzgerald, and Lightfoot. Not myself religious, I do fervently hope for similar continued changes. At the same time, I surely hope reincarnation is only in man’s mind struggling for immortality.

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