Joe Rogan interviews Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience

Facebook firing its ‘fact checkers’ is a win for truth

I’ve seen a lot of emotional posts from people upset that Meta has put an end to its “fact checking” on Facebook. What they don’t realize is that Facebook’s “fact checkers” were lying to them all along.

I know, because I myself was censored, suppressed, and suspended from Facebook many times for posting true things — about COVID, about COVID “vaccines” (the mRNA shots are not vaccines in the traditional sense), about vaccine injuries, and about a whole litany of topics completely unrelated to COVID — because they were things that Facebook, its so-called fact checkers, and the federal government did not want you to hear.

But you don’t have to take my word for it, because Zuckerberg’s admitted it himself.

In a January 9 interview with Joe Rogan, he said:

Mark Zuckerberg: … I’m generally pretty pro-rolling out vaccines. I think on balance, the vaccines are more positive than negative. But I think that while they’re trying to push that program, they also tried to censor anyone who is basically arguing against it. They pushed us super hard to take down things that honestly were true. They basically pushed us and said, anything that says that vaccines might have side effects, you basically need to take down. And I was just like, We’re not going to do that. We’re clearly not going to do that. I mean that is…

Joe Rogan: Who is they? Who’s telling you to take down things that talk about vaccine side effects?

Mark Zuckerberg: It was people in the Biden administration. I think it was… I wasn’t involved in those conversations directly, but I think was…

The problem with Zuckerberg’s statement above is, he did do that. His companies did censor and suppress information that the government did not want you to hear (maliciously deriding it as “misinformation“) — and he’s admitted to it before.

Why is this important? Because it means that a whole lot of people are in for a very rude awakening as they begin to realize that so many “truths” they hold dear are lies.

Because guess what — the entire mainstream news media is captured just like Big Tech.

I’ve watched it happen for years. If “the news” does not fit The Establishment narrative or the political or ideological views of the companies and people dispensing it, then you simply won’t see it in an “approved” mainstream source. (Or on Google, the world’s largest (mis)information source and most prolific censor of all.)

Not to get political, but let’s be honest — everything today is political and I am tired to death of hearing so many morally- and intellectually-superior ideologically driven loudmouths spout the same pre-packaged, pre-approved propaganda talking points.

Shall we look at some examples, Cranky readers?

Examples of mainstream media lies

Remember in 2017 when you heard how President Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides” of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia? And how the Democrats and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media tried to convince you that by that, he’d meant neo-Nazis and white supremacists?

I saw that lie repeated time and again ad nauseum in all of the major news media, and by Joe Biden himself on a number of occasions, including his first and only presidential debate last year.

Yet it was not true. Trump did not say neo-Nazis and white supremacists were “very fine people,” as even the left-leaning “fact-checkers” at Snopes admitted . . . seven years later.

Or how about last year when every mainstream news channel and website howled with indignation and cries of treason when candidate Trump said if he wasn’t elected, “it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country”?

At the time, I saw clip after clip of enraged talking heads pushing the lie that Trump was threatening political violence.

Again, no. The truth is that Trump was talking about how Biden’s policies would create an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and autoworkers.

But like so many things Trump has said (inject yourself with bleach, anyone?), the Charlottesville and “bloodbath” quotes were deliberately taken out of context to distort their meanings and deceive a gullible public.

Many fell for it, but for a few intellectually honest people, the deception backfired. Tech billionaire and lifelong Democrat Mark Pincus said this in a recent interview:

“I started reading @PirateWires and @micsolana, and I thought he was a little crazy at first because he would write these articles, and one he wrote was about how the Ukrainian soldiers had swastikas on their helmets, and the NYT photographers would ask them to take the swastikas off for photos.”

“I said that can’t be true, and then four months later, it was in the NYT buried in the middle of the paper, and I kept seeing stories like that that he would be early on. So, I started feeling more uncomfortable and queasy about what was going on with mainstream media.”

“Then, in May 2024, I read an article that talked about Trump’s speech in Charlottesville, where he said there are good people on both sides, and the article said it was completely propaganda and didn’t actually reflect what he said. That he denounced the Nazis a bunch of times in his speech, so then I went and watched that video, and that was my red-pill moment.”

“I think it was for a lot of people because it wasn’t just the media or politicians spinning it. That speech was one of the pillars of why you were supposed to hate Trump. Then you see Biden say that’s why he had to run a second time, and Obama says it, and Biden brings it up again at the DNC.”

“They clearly know they are misrepresenting things, so for me, that was beyond uncomfortable. Now, I have to go back to first principles and look at the primary data, listen to only original speeches by people, and I just realized I couldn’t trust the mainstream media.”

Don’t get me wrong. I am well aware that Republicans lie, too. (I wonder, did George W. Bush ever find his “weapons of mass destruction”?)

There is a very good reason why so many people collectively refer to Democrats and Republicans as “the Uniparty.”

But Pincus is right: the deception is everywhere, and if you want to find your way out of it, you have to take some personal responsibility.

Take back your mind

You can’t just sit back and fill your head with sound bites from ABC News, CNN, Fox News, The NYT, Mother Jones, or heaven forbid, Facebook.

You have to accept that every “news” outlet (and social media platform?) has an angle. An agenda. And their goal is to manipulate you into believing it.

Don’t fall for it. Don’t be their useful idiot, a tool to help them do their bidding.

When you do that, you put your health, your safety, your family, your wealth, your freedoms, your security, and your very life at risk.



The good news is, you are here, reading these words right now. This can be your moment. A golden opportunity to look at the world with fresh eyes and a healthy skepticism, to ask questions and question motives and really ask yourself if what you are seeing is real.

(Like this week with the ridiculous flap over Elon Musk totally raising a Nazi salute during the inaugural ceremonies. Yes, I’m sure one of the world’s smartest and most successful men is a bona-fide Nazi who is stupid enough to out himself and the entire incoming administration as a neo-fascist dictatorship on Day One as the entire planet watches. Or, you know, maybe the man has Asperger’s and it causes his awkward behavior.)

Just remember that knowledge takes commitment and discernment comes with practice. You can become awakened, but it will not be easy and it won’t happen overnight.

And even then, once you become adept at seeing the lies, you may still find yourself confused and frightened and utterly unsure of what the hell is happening.

That’s OK. That’s the way the people in power have planned it. All we can do is our best to be aware.

I sincerely hope you try.

Truth is an acquired taste, after all, and one that not very many have the time or stomach for.

Personally, I am rooting for you — because we are all in this together.

OK, Cranky readers, now it’s your turn. Tell me, what was your red-pill moment? When did you realize the world is full of lies? Or are you still a slave to false realities, eyes shut tight against the truth? Speak your mind in the comments below. But please be civil, kind, and keep it real, because I WILL delete your bullshit.

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  1. A wise man once said “To err is human, but to really screw things up you need a computer”. Things are about to get much worse not better.

    AI will be the new go-to opinion maker and fact checker. Since today’s vanishing reporters must do more with less, AI generated news stories will be as ubiquitous as spellcheckers are today. AI is a master at manipulating people. It knows the lie that you are most likely to believe and will deliver different lies to different people, all with the same predetermined call to action.

    Note this recent article.

  2. The truth is not on the “right”, nor on the “left” – it is somewhere in the middle, away from the edges.

  3. Your article was spot on. Excellent. We need more people to speak up and you spoke loudly! You’re reminding people of the lies we were told, and for what?

    Just so some dull-witted celebrities, politicians, and weak doctors could make a buck.

    It’s not just shameful. It’s unconscionable what was done to people all over the world.

    I was just talking to my husband this morning about what we endured over the past four years. How average citizens were turned into dictator allies by ratting out their neighbors and physically attacking strangers in grocery stores who weren’t wearing a mask. Insanity.

    My red-pill moment happened long ago when I almost became a journalist. The old adage, “if it bleeds, it leads” opened my eyes to this undeniable fact: News programs and newspapers are a PRODUCT. Products need to be sold. The only way you sell a news product is by fear and sensationalism. The “feel good” stories are like throwing a dog a bone. It’s meant to soothe the view temporarily before scaring the bejesus out of them again.

    Thank God I didn’t follow through with my interest in journalism. It’s a brutal profession (case in point: the amount of journalists with integrity that moved to Substack). The news media is a racket and I’d even include a few conservative mouthpieces in there, too. It’s very difficult to get the truth when the majority of news hosts are bought and sold so easily. We all need to do our due diligence.

    By the way, I stopped watching news channels decades ago. I’d read newspapers just to stay current but realized even back in 80’s and 90’s that I was getting biased opinions. Then I discovered Rush Limbaugh and never looked back. 😉

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