As the world burns and the rotting edifice of civilized society starts to fall in around our ears, let us celebrate pet-product online retailer Chewy for its exceptional and heartfelt efforts to be the best a brand can be.
Recently, I wrote on The Cranky Creative Facebook page about how surprised and delighted my wife and I were to receive a hand-written card from Chewy congratulating us on the adoption of our new kitty, Ladybug. What especially blew us away was the hand-painted portrait of our cat that accompanied this card.
I mean, just look at this. (Click the image for a larger version, and your browser’s Back button to return.)

Already, this was far more personalized attention than I had seen from a brand in, well, maybe ever. But Chewy wasn’t done.
A few weeks later, we received a holiday card from the company thanking us for being a part of the Chewy family and wishing us holiday cheer. (Again, click the images to see a larger version and the Back button to return.)

Let me tell you — as an advertising guy who has grown to detest so many brands and advertisers, treatment like this felt like salve for a battered soul.
Oh, I’d seen the viral stories about how Chewy goes above and beyond to please its customers. Social media is full of them. But when you experience this kind of personal touch for yourself, it hits you on a whole different level.
Check out this card and painting Chewy sent to the owners of a dog named Chewbacca on Star Wars Day:
And this frankly amazing response to a customer whose dog had passed away:
What other company comes even close to this level of care and empathy?
This is human-to-human interaction at its finest.
While other companies contrive of goofy gimmicks and co-opt the latest hot-button social issues in superficial attempts to make their brands seem likeable and relevant, the people at Chewy are forging intimate, lifelong relationships with customers by treating them with respect and dignity, like real people.
It’s such a refreshing change of pace from the loud, unfunny, insulting, and vulgar antics of so many of today’s brands, that it almost gives me hope for the industry and the human race as a whole.
Thank you, Chewy, for being the best of the best and a shining example for other brands to follow.
You truly are the brand we need, if not the brand we deserve.
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These godawful, annoying, obnoxious, irritating, ridiculously stupid, and dumb as a f-ing rock Liberty Mutual commercials continue to torment TV viewers here and show NO signs of letting up! We can only hope people stop buying their crappy insurance, and this disgusting company will soon go belly up and these horrible overplayed insurance commercials will end forever! Take Care!
Oh, Gary, say it isn’t so! I’ve all but stopped watching TV as of late and I can’t remember the last time I saw a Liberty Mutual commercial. Are they still running with Limu Emu and Doug?
I’ll have to catch up on their latest ads and how the company is doing. I’d wished the company had course-corrected as SimpliSafe has with its new and much-improved TV commercials, but alas, the stupid appears to be strong at Liberty Mutual.
Good to hear from you, Gary!
I, too, have had a great experience with this company. Last week they sent a birthday card to my dog, Rusty Red (we call him Red for short), even remembering his birthday before I did! I also just received a holiday card from them. The personal attention definitely goes above and beyond from any other company I have dealt with, and I agree 100% on everything you said, Rob. I do wish more companies would follow Chewy’s example. Happy holidays to you and your wife, Adrianna!
Happy birthday to Rusty Red! And may other brands take notice of what Chewy is doing.
Thanks for writing, Julie.