The Cranky Creative blog first lit the pixels of computer screens a year ago on July 4, 2018. Frustrated with the red tape, politics, and backstabbing stupidity that pervades the full-time working world, I spit on my hands, hoisted my pirate flag, and set out on my own. Happy Independence Day, indeed.
It hasn’t been easy building this blog and a freelance writing business at the same time. But I find that pulling my own rock sled uphill, as exhausting as it can be, is infinitely more sane and satisfying than having to shake off one bumbling tackle after another from my own teammates as I try to reach the end zone—which is exactly how it was at some of my full-time jobs.
(And mixing metaphors? It’s just one more perk of running your own blog!)
Prestige worldwide
Today, it humbles me to say that The Cranky Creative blog is read around the world. Besides the United States and Canada, the site receives regular visits from the U.K., Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Nepal, Australia, New Zealand, Morocco, South Africa, Poland, Russia, and more.
Whoever you are, wherever you are: thank you for reading. (And give yourself extra points if you recognize my reference to Step Brothers, objectively the funniest movie of all time [link NSFW], in the subhead above).
A walk down Cranky lane
Let’s celebrate 12 months of cranky fun by looking back on a few of the (I hope) more interesting, helpful, and humorous items this blog has produced in the past year.
If you see something you like, please share it with friends and colleagues. Slip a printout under your boss’s door if it will help. And let me know if you have suggestions or ideas for other topics you’d like to see covered here. Send an email to or post a comment below.
Again, thanks for reading!
Cranky blog posts
The most popular blog posts have been Cranky Creative ad reviews—especially the one about Liberty Mutual’s LiMu Emu commercials. But my favorite blog posts are the ones that try to help creative people solve problems or perhaps share a laugh.
Why I love graphic designers (and why your brand needs a good one)
This love letter to graphic designers sings the praises of groovy people with otherworldly talents who make the rest of us look good. (And in some cases, better than we deserve.)
Hey, advertisers! People hate you, and you deserve it
Advertising today is more intrusive and annoying than ever. This rant explains how and why advertisers need to rebuild the trust we used to have in them. Includes links to consumer-protection resources you can use to report bad behavior.
Anxiety and creativity: How they’re linked, tips to cope
It’s a blessing and a curse. Who knew creativity and mood disorders went together like a hot dog and a bun? Unfortunately, it’s not as fun as it sounds. Try these tips to cope.
Incompetent people don’t know they’re incompetent
Sound like anyone you know? The Dunning-Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled people not only fail to recognize their incompetence; they are supremely confident in their abilities. Find out why it happens and get tips for staying sharp.
Start 2019 right with wisdom from Pema Chodron
This uncharacteristically positive post offers practical yet profound inspiration gleaned from a book called The Pocket Pema Chodron. Give it a read. It’ll change your life if you let it.
Critiquing the creative of a ransom email scam
This criminally overlooked post never caught on for some reason. Maybe the subject matter was too dark. I thought the idea of critiquing a ransom scam email’s creative was hilarious. Give it a read and see what you think.
“Should I quit my job?” 16 signs it’s time to move on
With two-thirds of Americans feeling either “not engaged” (53 percent) or “actively disengaged” (13 percent) in their work, there ought to be a lot of people looking for new jobs. If you’re on the fence, this post might give you the gentle push you need.
Exploring the effects of positive and negative motivation on worker happiness and productivity
This post explores a TED Talk about the fascinating impacts that money, recognition, meaning, and people’s intrinsic love for the work have on motivation and productivity. A must-read (and see) for anyone who manages people.
9 ways to keep your creative professionals happy and productive
Creatives are loath to say it, but many of them feel unsupported and underappreciated in their jobs. Here are nine things agency and in-house marketing managers can do to help their creatives stay happy, productive, and doing their best work.
No, the client is not always right
It sounds nice, but that old saying, “The client is always right,” simply isn’t true. Find out why marketing people who work from this mindset are doing themselves (and their clients) a grave disservice, and why we need to stand our ground when we believe that a requested change could have a negative effect on performance.
The Cranky Creative on Twitter
I’m not a big Twitter guy, but the platform has been a rich source of interesting people and ideas. Following are some of my favorite tweets from the past year.
Oh! And whatever you do, if you are a fan of The Matrix, do not miss the short video tweet about client budget versus client expectations. You’re welcome.
See more Cranky on Twitter at
“No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes.” – Napoleon Hill
— Business Quotes (@inventess) June 20, 2019
Picard perspective tip: Neither the sun, the moon, the stars, nor any asteroids revolve around you. You are a dust mote with ideas.
— Picard Tips (@PicardTips) December 18, 2018
I’m just a copywriter, standing in front of a tampon company (any), asking them to let me write them a realistic, funny, non-patronising tampon advert that doesn’t involve swimming, dancing, taking on the world, or doing cartwheels in white jeans.
CC: @emmasexton — Clare Barry (@ClareBarry) May 13, 2019
Zen is not some special state, it is our normal condition, silent, peaceful, awake, without agitation. ~ Master Taisen Deshimaru
— Zen Moments (@Zen_Moments) April 12, 2019
Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure. ~ Maria Rainer Rilke
— Zen Moments (@Zen_Moments) March 10, 2019
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~ Thomas Edison
— Zen Moments (@Zen_Moments) January 26, 2019
Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
— Zen Moments (@Zen_Moments) December 28, 2018
“People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.” – J.K. Rowling
— Business Quotes (@inventess) December 3, 2018
Avoiding problems you need to face, is avoiding the life you need to live. ~ Paulo Coelho
— Zen Moments (@Zen_Moments) January 20, 2019
“You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.” – Tim Ferriss
— Business Quotes (@inventess) January 20, 2019
If it drains you, let it go.
— Audrey Kitching (@AudreyKitching) February 5, 2019
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
— Zen Moments (@Zen_Moments) January 26, 2019
#Annoying #advertising is annoying.
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) February 28, 2019
Writing humor.
— Cat Olson Copywriter (@CatOlsonWriting) May 26, 2019
Beautiful. #copywriting #lookingsmart
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) December 8, 2018
A reminder to proofread your work. #copywriters #graphicdesign #FridayFun
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) September 21, 2018
Graphic design. Do you speak it? #creatives #graphicdesign #graphicdesigners #FreelanceLife
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) November 28, 2018
Marketers check out this amazing example of client budget vs. client expectations — Matrix style! #marketers #creatives #copywriting #graphicdesign #fridayfun
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) May 10, 2019
A reminder of what’s really important. Looks depressing, but it’s an enjoyable read. #health #happiness #WorkLifeBalance
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) March 6, 2019
Oh, wow… I said almost the same exact words to someone just today! #freelance #freelancewriting #graphicdesign
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) January 23, 2019
“As designers, we are in the service industry, but that does not mean we need to be servile. Clients are looking to us for guidance and expertise. We should lead them and not be bullied.” —Kevin Finn #graphicdesign #designers
— The Cranky Creative (@Cranky_Creative) December 27, 2018
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Great information sharing! I am very happy to read this article … Thanks for linking us to so many useful blog posts. Fantastic.
So glad you enjoyed this post! Thanks for visiting.
Happy 4th!
Woohoo! Happy Fourth to you, too! Have fun and be safe… wherever you are!