Hollywood films reflect the decline of Western culture

Hollywood films reflect the decline of Western culture

Modern movies, much like advertising (and especially TV commercials), attempt to reflect — or, some would say, shape — the culture. So it is a searing indictment of these times we live in that the latest pop-culture films endeavor so zealously to destroy famous characters, franchises, and values that Americans have held dear for ages.

Watch and wonder as Scottish YouTuber William Jordan (better known as The Critical Drinker) dissects two films — the upcoming live-action remake of Snow White and the recently released Barbie — and deconstructs the twisted mindsets of the people behind these big-budget propaganda pieces masquerading as family-friendly entertainment.

Some readers will remember that I referenced The Critical Drinker’s videos in a previous blog post, “The myth of the ‘modern audience’ is ruining advertising,” in which I lamented how today’s marketers are crapping all over their own brands and existing customers in a misguided effort to pursue modern, progressive audiences who don’t give a lick about their products anyway.

Well, the same exact thing is happening here. Check it out.

Snow White Looks Hilariously Bad

Not content with destroying 99% of its own storied catalog, Disney is now taking a match to one of the most important films in the history of cinema with yet another live-action remake.

Here is your recipe for disaster:

Step 1: Race-swap the iconic main character, a beautiful young European woman who got her name because “her skin was white as snow,” with an actress of Columbian descent.

Step 2: Replace the seven dwarves with “magical forest creatures” so as not to offend Peter Dinklage and other, more full-size busybodies who love being offended on behalf of others.

Step 3: Change the classic love story, giving it a “modern edge” and turning it into yet another tired female empowerment fantasy in which the young woman doesn’t need a man.

In less than nine minutes, The Drinker really nails how this film personifies everything that’s wrong with modern entertainment and makes a perfect metaphor for the decline of Western culture.

Barbie: The Greatest Lie Ever Told

In this video, The Drinker congratulates Warner Brothers’ marketing and PR departments for so successfully duping everyone into believing that Barbie would be almost anything other than what it actually is — “114 minutes of spiteful, bitter, mean-spirited, borderline unhinged hatred of men and everything even vaguely associated with them.”

The feminist utopia this film presents is diametrically opposed to the ideas that little girls might wish to grow up to be mothers or homemakers, or that little boys may want to grow into assertive, ambitious, confident, and successful men. Instead of finding a way to balance the swings in power between the Barbies and the Kens — the girls and the boys — the film can’t resist elevating the Barbies to the only sex that matters and putting them in charge of everything while relegating the Kens to a depressing existence of being irrelevant second-class citizens.

“[This film is] like a serial killer dressed in a Pikachu outfit,” The Drinker says. “Superficially, it might look bright and cheerful and cute, but beneath the appealing facade, there’s something genuinely horrible and sinister. This is a movie made by people who utterly despise men and masculinity, or any kind of traditional gender roles … and make absolutely no attempt to hide it.”

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what you get when militant feminism and wild-eyed political correctness are allowed to reach their illogical conclusions and infiltrate and capture the culture — our schools, colleges, homes, businesses (hi, ad agencies!), and entertainment companies.

Hide your daughters from this one.

Share your thoughts on “Hollywood films reflect the decline of Western culture.”

OK, Cranky readers, now it’s your turn. What do you think? Do you see modern films (and advertising) as doing their jobs as intended, or have these media been completely captured by woke psychopaths bent on spreading their poisonous propaganda at any cost? Share your thoughts below.

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  1. Hide your daughters from this one, seriously? Both my daughters
    Saw this and loved it. And so did I. I’m so sick of the Barbie haters. Clearly they never played with a Barbie. So they just don’t understand. This movie accurately portrayed how I and all my friends played with Barbies. In my Barbie world, Ken’s only existed so my Barbies could have weddings. I probably had 20 Barbies and 3 Kens. A feminist utopia? Hell yeah it was—and what was wrong with that? I was surrounded by boys playing GI Joes and He Man. Male utopias. So what was wrong with having a world where a Barbie could do anything she wanted? And yeah, guess what? I didn’t play with babies because role-playing motherhood wasn’t fun. Would you have fun changing diapers, feeding it, and rocking it? Over and over again? No, because it’s boring as hell. My Barbies drove hot sports cars, rode horses, went snowmobiling/skiing/swimming. And wore fantastic clothes. It was fun.
    It’s humorous that so many men are threatened by a movie. About a doll.

    1. Gee, great analysis. The way you played with Barbies as a child is one thing — and it’s perfectly fine. The Ken doll WAS inconsequential. But making a movie in 2023 that so heavy-handedly tells young girls that men are stupid, disposable idiots (and worse) is something else entirely. But I suppose you are so used to seeing it nowadays in movies, TV shows, and advertising that it didn’t even register a blip to you.

      And the culture continues to rot.

  2. Poor old Walt is whirling in his grave. He stumped with Lucky Lindy to keep America out of the NWO-planned-and-carried-out WWII; he fought the commies in fifties Hollywood…only to have his legacy pissed on 57 years after his death. Walt’s fatal mistake was trusting his brother Roy. It was Roy who sold out the Disney legacy. As long as people pay to destroy their minds with garbage, it will continue.

    1. Yes, Kris. Too many people take the attitude of “HURR, it’s entertainment and I don’t care if it’s brainwashing my children.” This attitude is part of the reason the world is in the state it’s in today.

  3. The annoying, obnoxious, NO talent, godawful and overplayed LIBERTY MUTUAL TV COMMERCIALS, were the beginning of the decline of good Western insurance advertising!

  4. Hallefrackinluyah! Perfectly said. Um, well, left out that current Follywood and television push, push, push, and then push more, interracial everything, single-gender lifestyles, drugs, perversion, crime, entitlement, hatred, violence, and antinuclear everything. Oh, yes, the subject was two specific films. Well covered there. Yes, too bad the sheep will still flock to these films because to do so is to be part of the “in” group. Good read. Now I go to take a pill.

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