In July 2018, The Cranky Creative blog debuted as a place for copywriters, graphic designers, and other creatives to find comfort and community when our jobs got us down. Its raison d’être was:
“Let’s find solutions to the challenges that keep us from doing our best work and being the happy creatives we are.”
Today, The Cranky Creative blog is also home to a growing number of TV ad reviews. Why ad reviews? Because creatives make the ads, and every one of us — creative or not — has to watch them.
I think most of today’s advertising is terrible . . . and I’d like to try and make it better.
Join me and let’s have some fun along the way!
Rob Rhode is The Cranky Creative
Rob is (ahem! was) a freelance copywriter who’s spent the past 30 years writing and directing creative for brands large and small. He currently writes from a sun-bleached bar stool in Florida. Find out why he started The Cranky Creative.
In his spare time, Rob enjoys going to the beach and listening to live music. He finds most advertising insufferable and his favorite band is Dorothy.
To get in touch, send an email to Otherwise, start reading!
Below: The Cranky Creative’s unofficial theme song — “Black Sheep” by Dorothy.
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